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Skills and Job Mobility Dashboard

Explore the job roles with good growth and potential for career mobility while considering skills needed for such transitions.

Skills and Job Mobility Dashboard

Published: Oct 4, 2024 I Updated: Nov 18, 2024

The purpose of the dashboard is primarily for exploration and analysis only. It is recommended to have conversations with Career Coaches, Skills Ambassadors, or supervisors to further the exploration. 

In this version, the dashboard is limited by the data available. The salary indicated in the dashboard refers to the median salary. We’re continuously improving the data and dashboard, and we value your feedback and suggestions to make it even better.

  • Distribution of Job Roles – Analyse the shifts in market demand for various job roles
  • Transition Pathways – Discover curated lists of potential role transitions based on skill similarities 
    • Feeder job roles – Jobs that can potentially allow movement into desirable job roles. They provide the skills and experience to move up to better jobs.
    • Desirable job roles – Jobs which offer good opportunities for growth and provide greater career mobility.
    • Destination job roles – Jobs that one could potentially move from desirable job roles. They could represent further career advancement.
  • Annex for SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTPs) and Career Conversion Programmes (CCPs)

For an optimal experience, please view this dashboard on a desktop.

Distribution of Job Roles
Transition Pathways
Annex for SCTP and CCP

Getting Started with the Skills and Job Mobility Dashboard

A guide to help you get the most out of the dashboard:


  1. Click “Apply” to perform the filters

    If a filter has more than 2 options, remember to click on the “Apply” button to perform the filter.

  2. Mouseover the charts

    Mouseover charts for more information to be displayed.

  3. Highlight the charts

    Click on the legend to highlight individual components of a chart.
“Ctrl + Shift” to highlight a range of components. 
”Ctrl + Alt” to highlight multiple specific components.

Distribution of Job Roles

  1. Filter by change in job demand

    Use the “Filter by change in job demand” filter to select job roles based on the change in job demand.

  2. Filter by growth roles

    Select only “Yes” within the “Are they growth roles” filter to select job titles that are identified as job roles with good growth and potential for career mobility. Select only “No” to select job titles that are not identified as job roles with good growth and potential for career mobility.

  3. Filter by count of job demand

    Use the sliders and/or type in the numbers for the “Filter by job demand (count)” filter to select a range of job demand count.

  4. Filter by salary

    Use the sliders and/or type in the numbers for the “Filter by salary” filter to select a range of salary.

  5. Highlight job roles

    Use the “Choose job role” to highlight job roles in the chart.

Transition Pathways

  1. Select desirable job role 

    Select a job role that you are interested to explore in ‘Desirable Job Role’. This will filter the list of potential feeder job roles and destination job roles.

  2. Select feeder job role
    Select a job role that can potentially allow movement into your desirable job role in the ‘Feeder Job Role’ drop-down list. The fields in the 'Feeder Job Role' will be populated. The fields in the 'Desirable Job Role' to ‘Feeder Job Role' will be populated based on backend algorithms. 

    The job transitions are identified based on the job roles with the highest skills similarity score. These job roles are then shortlisted and appear in the drop-down list.
    The insights will show:
    – Skills similarity between ‘Desirable Job Role’ and ‘Feeder Job Role’
    – Historical Transition in the past two years
    – Difference in wages (if any, positive or negative wage gain)
    – Differentiating skills of the second job role and corresponding courses if reskilling is required.

  3. Select destination job role
    Select ‘Destination Job Role' if one is interested to know the possible move from desirable job role​. The fields in 'Destination Job Role’ will be populated. The fields in the 'Desirable Job Role' to ‘Destination Job Role' will be populated based on backend algorithms. 

    The job transitions are identified based on the job roles with the highest skills similarity score. These job roles are then shortlisted and appear in the drop-down list.
    The insights will show:
    – Skills similarity between ‘Desirable Job Role’ and ‘Destination Job Role’
    – Historical Transition in the past two years
    – Difference in wages (if any, positive or negative wage gain)
    – Differentiating skills of the second job role and corresponding courses if reskilling is required.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to explore other desirable job roles

Annex for SCTPs (SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme) and CCPs (Career Conversion Programmes)

  1. Filter by job roles 

    Use the “Filter by Job Roles” filter to select job roles. 

  2. Filter by SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes (SCTP)

    Use the “Filter by SCTP Titles” filter to select SCTPs. 

  3. Filter by Career Conversion Programmes (CCP)

    Use the “Filter by CCP Titles” filter to select CCPs.

  4. Filter by the availability of SCTP/CCP for a job role

    Use the “Filter by Availability of SCTP/CCP” filter to select job roles with SCTPs and/or CCPs.

Data Sources and Methodology

The Skills and Job Mobility Dashboard that you have explored above uses wage information from the most recent Occupational Wage Survey provided by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). All mentions of historical transitions reference the Occupational Employment Dataset also provided by MOM.

Suggested courses are extracted from For more information on the methodology of this dashboard, find out more here.

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